In this free video presentation you're going to learn the step-by-step outline to hit your goals, create more freedom, and live a more purposeful life! 
*A Bonus To The Book, One Percent Better
You're Going To Learn...
Don't just dream, but learn how to set a clear vision for what your future looks like this. This is the crucial first step, because without this we're setting goals to nowhere
Guardrails. Your values keep you on track. It's quite often in life not what you say 'yes' to, but what you say 'no' to that matters more. Your values help guide those decisions
REversge Engineering
We need to learn how to take all of our goals, no matter how big, and reverse engineer them down to what we need to do TODAY. Without this crucial step we're often setting goals, but then losing the focus to actually make them happen because we're not clear on what we need to today
"The 1% Better way of living changed my life. Follow my step-by-step blueprint for your personal and/or business life and I promise you'll see more change happen than you ever thought possible."

Doug Spurling
Author, One Percent Better
Doug Spurling - All Rights Reserved